2025/2026 WMHA Board Member Application (Walden Minor Hockey)

2025/2026 WMHA Board Member Application
Please fill out the following form to apply for a position(s) on the Walden Minor Hockey Association board. Elections will take place at our annual general meeting that will be held at the Tom Davies Community Centre in early May, date TBD. We also ask that you please take the time to read our constitution, found in our "About Us" section, prior to completing the application. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our president Darren Vagnini at [email protected]

Contact Information

Positions of Interest

**All positions shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a one year term; except for the President, Vice President 1st and 2nd, and Treasurer, who will be alternately elected for two year terms. Nominees for the positions of president and vice presidents must have served on the WMHA Board for at least one hockey season.

Additional Information